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Customer Services

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Weather & Climate

Water Year Dashboard

A water year is a 12 month period that extends from October 1st to September 30th. The water year is designated by the calendar year in which it ends. The current water year is 2024. Note the weather and climate data recapitulated below is presented for informational use only and is not collected or maintained by PCWA. For more information and citation please refer to the following data sources: Applied Climate Information System (ACIS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and High Plains Regional Climate Center.

Regional Conditions

In the current water year the greater region has received...

the Average Rainfall

Using data from 0 stations in 0 county.

the Average Snowfall

Using data from 0 stations in 0 county.

and has been...

Daily on Average

Using daily max temperature data from 0 stations in 0 county.

Precipitation Maps

Actual Precipitation for California
Actual Precipitation
Percent of Normal Precipitation for California
Percent of Normal

Temperature Maps

Departure from Normal Temperature for California
Departure from Normal Temperature

Average Temperature for Placer County

October 2023 - May 2024 (most recent data for a 3 month period)

No Data

Climate Maps are provided by High Plains Regional Climate Center | Average Temperatures are provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Local/Station Conditions

Elevation: '

Accumulated Precipitation

, 2023-2024

(using - for historical data)

Accumulated % of Normal Average

Monthly Summarized Precipitation

, 2023-2024

(using - for historical data)

Chart Options

Actual Precipitation

, 2023-2024
Data provided by
Applied Climate Information System logo
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Mon. - Fri., 8am - 5pm

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