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Construction Projects

Covey Road Pipeline Replacement

Project Description

The project will consist of replacing the approximately 660 LF of existing 10” techite water distribution main within Covey Road, beginning west of Bridgeview Drive, up to the intersection with Edgehill Lane. The 15 existing service lines and meters will be replaced, and a new fire hydrant installed along Covey Road.

Project Location

The project is located near the City of Auburn, along Covey Road to Edgehill Lane.

Project Schedule
  • Begin Construction - Spring 2024
  • End Construction - Fall 2024

Spring Valley Flume Replacement

Project Description

The project consists of replacing a 50-foot section of elevated wooden flume section on the Boardman Canal with a new steel substructure and half round metal flume that conveys raw water.

Project Location

The project is located near the City of Colfax, along Ben Taylor Road.

Project Schedule
  • Begin Construction - Spring 2024
  • End Construction - Fall 2024

Bickford Ranch Water Tank and Pump Station

Project Description

The Bickford Ranch Specific Plan (BRSP) is a master planned community with residential, parks, public facilities, and open space land uses located within an approximately 1,928-acre plan area. The proposed development is located in Placer County, California, east of Sierra College Boulevard and south of Lincoln Newcastle Highway (Highway 193). The current specific plan was amended and approved in 2015 to serve 1,890 residential units. The BRSP project is anticipated to be built out in three phases over the next 15 to 20 years. Additional information about the BRSP can be found at: Bickford Ranch Specific Plan | Placer County, CA.

This Facilities Agreement (FA) Project is being funded and completed by Bickford Ranch Developers (Bickford) for the conveyance of water for the BRSP. Bickford began construction on Phase 1 of the Bickford Ranch Community Facility District in 2021 with mass grading portions of development and some undergrounding of major infrastructure. As part of this FA, an 18-inch transmission main will be constructed from the pump station to connect to the on-site Phase 1 water distribution system and ultimately connect to a future Tank at the top of BRSP. This $10 million tank and pump station provides the necessary flows to meet phased demands, including fire flow.

Project Schedule
  • Design - Complete
  • Construction: Tank - April 2021 - December 2022
  • Construction: Pump Station May 2022 - Winter 2023
  • Construction: Homes - Winter 2023
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

When will homes be built?

Model homes may be under construction in the latter part of 2023. Occupancy of homes will not be allowed until this FA is accepted and PCWA accepts the facilities.

Where is the water coming from?

The City of Lincoln recently installed a 42-inch pipeline for the Agency, which included an 18-inch stub-out for this FA. The 42-inch pipeline is served from the Agency's Foothill Water Treatment Plant.

Alta Loop Pipeline - Cable And Powerhouse Rd

Project Description

The project will consist of replacing the existing 4” steel distribution water main within Cable Road, Alta Power House Road, and Timber (red line). The main has experienced several breaks throughout the years and is at the end of its useful life. The pipe that goes from Brown Road south east through several properties to Alta Bonnynook Road may be replaced by installing a main in Alta Power House Road (yellow line). All existing services will be replaced and/or reconnected.

A new water main (green) will also be installed along Cable Road beginning at the intersection of Cable Road and Timber Lane going east connecting to the existing 10” distribution main at the east end of Cable Road. A pressure reducing station (PRS) will be included to connect two distinct pressure zones. The purpose of the new line is to increase the reliability of service by providing redundancy to a portion of the system.

Project Schedule
  • Begin Construction - Spring 2024
  • End Construction - Winter 2024
Map Figure of Alta Loop Pipeline Project
Map Figure of Alta Loop Pipeline Project (click to enlarge)

Dutch Flat Mutual Consolidation Project

Project Description

The Dutch Flat Mutual Water Company (DFM) serves treated water to the Dutch Flat community located adjacent to Alta. DFM has a distribution system that was installed in 1965, which requires significant repairs due to numerous water leaks. In addition, DFM's water treatment plant needs many repairs and upgrades. Their system serves 106 connections and two unmetered services, a 0.33 million gallon per day (MGD) water treatment plant, three storage tanks, and approximately 8,600 linear feet of distribution main. The DFM board met on November 15, 2016, and voted unanimously to connect to PCWA's treated water system.

The project improvements includes:

  • The replacement of approximately 8,800 feet of treated water pipelines,
  • The replacement of 108 services, meters and vaults,
  • A pressure reducing station,
  • A connection to the Agency's Alta treated water system,
  • The disconnection of the DFMs 0.33 million gallon per day water treatment plant, and
  • Other miscellaneous improvements.
Project Location

The project is located in Dutch Flat, CA.

Project Schedule
  • Begin Construction - Summer 2023
  • End Construction - Spring 2024
Map Figure of Dutch Flat Mutual Consolidation Project
Map Figure of Dutch Flat Mutual Consolidation Project (click to enlarge)

Rocklin Main Replacements

Project Description

A multi-year main replacement program to replace aging infrastructure is beginning with Phase 2 which is on Midas Avenue, between Argonaut Road and Clover Valley Road. The project will consist of replacing the existing main, services, and fire hydrants in this area. New meter boxes and new water meters will be included in the project. In cooperation with the City of Rocklin, the entire width of Midas Avenue is planned to be resurfaced as part of the Phase 2 project.

Approximately 1,550 feet of 16-inch and 800 feet of 12-inch water main will be installed, including 42 new water meters.

Phase 1 main replacement project is currently in design. The Phase 1 project area is on Midas Avenue, between 2nd Street and Argonaut Road.

Project Location

The multi-year project area is located in the City of Rocklin, and includes Midas Avenue, Argonaut Drive, Whitney Boulevard, Clover Valley Roads.

Project Schedule

Phase 1

  • Begin Construction - Fall 2024
  • End Construction - Spring 2025

Phase 2

  • Begin Construction - Winter 2023
  • End Construction - Fall 2024

Sunset Blvd. (Whitney to RR crossing. Not shown on map)

  • Design Completion - Winter 2024
  • Advertise/Award - Winter 2024
  • Begin Construction - Spring 2025
  • End Construction - Winter 2025
Map Figure of future anticipated Phases for Rocklin Main Replacement
Map Figure of Future Anticipated Phases (click to enlarge)

Bowman Water Treatment Plant Improvements- Phase 3

Project Description

The project will consist of replacing six new vertical flocculators, installing a new automatic intake screen, and replacing a section of raw water influent piping.

Project Location

The project is located at the Bowman Water Treatment Plant, located near the City of Auburn, off Christian Valley Road.

Project Schedule
  • Begin Construction - Spring 2024
  • End Construction - Spring 2025

Bickford Ranch Phase 1 - Mass Grading

Project Description

This Facilities Agreement (FA) Project is being funded and completed by Bickford Ranch Developers (Bickford). Bickford has begun construction on Phase 1 of the Bickford Ranch Community Facility District in 2021. Part of Phase 1 work involves the relocation and permanent pipe encasement of a portion of the Caperton Canal. Approximately 2,900 linear feet of new 42-inch Raw Water Pipeline has been constructed and in operation in 2022. Starting in 2023, Bickford will be extending the canal encasement one last time per their agreement, an additional 5,200 linear feet of 42” HDPE pipe and relocate five Customer Turn Outs (CTO). Additionally, a new permanent Inlet structure will be constructed, helping to create a more robust canal system at this location.

Project Schedule
  • Design – Spring 2023
  • Construction: Intake and raw water pipeline - October 2023 - June 2024
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

What is happening to my Customer Turn Out (CTO)?

Each CTO within the Project location is being upgraded. Bickford's contractor will be installing a permanent pipeline, which they will reconnect every CTO at each step of construction, making sure that you will continue to receive water.

Will there be water outages on our CTO’s during this work?

Yes. Brief outages are be expected during the work. Customers will be notified of all planned outages ahead of time.

Who do we contact if we need to visit out CTO and clean the service screens?

Customers can contact Gene Mancebo, Project Manager at EGM Solutions and a Bickford representative, at (209) 969-5631 or

When will construction of the encased Caperton Canal be complete?

It is anticipated that construction for encasing the Caperton Canal will be completed by June 2024.

Map Figure of Bickford Ranch Phase 1 - Caperton Canal Services
Map Figure of Bickford Ranch Phase 1, Caperton Canal Services (click to enlarge)

Lake Alta Dam Improvements Project

About Project

The Lake Alta Dam project is a multi-year project to address regulation changes since the two Lake Alta dams were installed. Originally constructed for mining activities in the 1850's, the dams have been in continuous service ever since. This facility is an important component of PCWA's water delivery system, and this project will ensure lake levels, vegetation, and drainage comply with current regulatory requirements. See below for document links for this project.

Project Location

The Lake Alta Dam Project is located in the Town of Alta, near Bonny Nook Drive.

Construction Timeline

Consultants are currently gathering information on-site to be used to design improvements to the dams. Completion of design of improvements to the dams is anticipated in 2024. Any future construction work will proceed upon completion of design and regulatory approvals.

Latest Update

PCWA removed dead and dying trees in 2017 the vicinity of the dams to comply with direction from the California Division of Safety of Dams (DSOD). In winter of 2018/2019 PCWA collected bore samples from each of the dams. Additional samples collected from test pits and analyzed in 2021. Results from both sampling events will be used to support design of the necessary dam improvements..

Ginger Drive Pipeline Replacement - Sacramento Street/Valley View Drive/Ginger Drive

Project Description

The project will consist of abandonment of existing backyard mains and installation of new mains in the streets. New meter boxes will be set near the back of sidewalks along the streets, and new service lines installed from the meter boxes to customer homes and reconnected.

Approximately 1,920 feet of new 8-inch water main will be installed in both Valley View and Ginger Drives, including 50 service connections, and 4 new hydrants.

Project Location

The project is located in the City of Auburn, near Carolyn Street.

Project Schedule
  • Begin Construction - Summer 2023
  • End Construction - Summer 2024
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